4 Milestones That Should Precede Retirement

Determining when to retire can be stressful. In fact, retirement thoughts in general may be enough to cause anxiety. Here are four milestones that you should aim to reach prior to retiring.

  1. Create an all-cash emergency fund with enough to cover three months of living expenses.
  2. Pay off your mortgage.
  3. Get rid of costly credit card debt.
  4. Amass a large enough nest egg to replace 80% of your yearly income.

Read more about what each of the four milestones means, and why they are important in the full article 4 Financial Milestones to Reach Before You Retire on The Motley Fool, LLC’s website.

c/o The Motley Fool (fool.com)
4 Financial Milestones to Reach Before You Retire
Maurie Backman (TMFBookNerd), Jul 25, 2017